Hi, I’m Kirby!

And by looking at me you would never know that I’m visually impaired. In fact most people don’t know when ANYONE is visually impaired! But that’s why I’ve made it my mission to help people understand more about “Kirb-ing Invisibility”. A little play on words to heighten awareness around this “invisible disability”, with a BIG impact on how over 20 million Americans live every day. Thank you for being here and joining my journey and to learn more about ME read on to hear my story of discovering I would be visually impaired for life.

“Just wear glasses” they said… It’s a little more complex than that.

I feel it’s important to start by sharing a small part of my story of discovering I was visually impaired with you.

I have what’s called Optic Nerve Atrophy, a condition where my optic nerve didn't fully develop before I was born. While this condition can sometimes be caused by external factors, mine is hereditary. I was born with it, and interestingly, I have a distant cousin who also shares the same condition. Lucky us eh!?

The plot twist in my story is that my parents and I didn't discover my condition until I was in kindergarten. Now, you might be thinking, oh my gosh “was she neglected as a child?" Well, let me assure you, I absolutely wasn't. I MYSELF often wonder how I passed those kindergarten screenings. But, I grew up in a very small town, a place with just about 1,600 people and in such a tight-knit community, they probably passed anyone in those screenings (cough cough we need to do better). But in defense I was very supported and accepted for the most part with friends, family and community in my tiny town which is sadly not always the case for people with visual disabilities… more on that later!

I still vividly remember having to wear glasses for a brief period of time during my early years, but it didn't take me long to realize that they weren't the solution to my vision challenges. I told my parents, "These aren't helping." Lovingly they tried to reassure me, saying “I just needed to get used to them” as any parent with a 5 year old would. But, you know, I was (and probably still am) a stubborn and VOCAL kid so I just wouldn't wear those dang glasses.

And as it turns out, I wasn't just being stubborn and thank goodness I stood my ground otherwise I could STILL be faking that I “could see” like everyone else, hence the emphasis on “invisible disability”. And once properly diagnosed I in fact was and am considered legally blind, a term that encompasses a wide range of visual impairments.

For many parents, children, and adults who receive this diagnosis they know life is forever changed. But I am here to tell you life IS changed and it’s wonderful. And I more excited than EVER to share and speak at your events and for organizations all over the country helping people understand what life is like for the visually impaired. How YOU can get involved and EMPOWER EMPATHY for 20 million Americans who walk through the world visually impaired and “KIRB INVISIBILITY” and bring this invisible disability out of the dark, blurry, misunderstood background and into the light! But not too bright please, I’ll explain that later too!

Book a consult with me to arrange for an appearance at your event, school, or business to KIRB INVISIBILITY.